This radio show focuses on issues such as access to education, discrimination, economic development, health care, nutrition, food safety, environmental issues, and the social and economic future.

Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
Let's Create A Better World - 06.12.17
Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
June 12th Show
Shaman Practitioner Maia, Guest, Co-Hosts Bobby Elias & Divine Aubry
Maia talks about 35,000 year old Ancient Healing Modalities focusing on Shamanism, Soul Retrieval and Power Animal Retrieval.
Maia has studied contemporary and ancient healing methodologies and is a long-time practitioner of meditation, mantras, and yoga. She is a student and accredited teacher of the late Sri Kaleshwar, a master healer, and Indian Saint. Kaleshwar taught Maia numerous spiritual processes and healing techniques which manifested profound healing in herself and her clients.
She has trained as a volunteer hospice worker with author Dannion Brinkley’s Twilight Brigade and volunteered with Heart to Heart Hospice of Texas for nearly four years.
Maia is certified as a Domestic Violence Victims Support Group Facilitator through Mathis and Associates and is trained in Suicide and Crisis Prevention through the Suicide and Crisis Center of North Texas.
Maia served as a practitioner for One from the Heart Ministry through Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles.
In the mid-90’s she studied the Principles of the Universe, Ying-Yang Principles, and the Five Elements with master healers from South Korea. Maia also studied with Sandra Ingerman, author and renowned shaman, who taught her soul retrieval and shamanic healing techniques. She has been a shamanic practitioner for over 20 years.
Maia's website is www.SoulRetrievals.com
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